Open up illustrator
Make the canvas size 8.5 x 11 in
Wait for the program to load
Find your tool bar, and select the ellipse tool. (it should be under the text tool. If you still cannot find it hold down the rectangle tool which should be selected by default and find the ellipse tool)
After selecting the ellipse tool, go down to the icons that are a white block and a black outline.
Deselect the black outline by clicking on it and then clicking on the icon that is a white block with a red slash through it. That should disable the outline.
Click the fill icon. (it should be a white box, however if you do not see that it should be the bigger white box with a red slash through it.) and bring up the color menu
After you click the fill icon, a tab called color picker should pop up.
Look at it
Laugh at my attempts at humor, or don’t :/
There should be various boxes that you can type in. Find the box with the # sign next to it.
Type FF57DB (the letters should be capitalized)
A tone of pink should fill the box if that is correct then proceed if not type the sequence of numbers and letters again.
Once you have the color indicated above as well as the ellipse tool, hold down shift, left click, and while doing that drag the mouse to make a medium sized circle. The size should be 2.95 in wide by 3 in high. Once you have the circle let go of the left click before the shift button to finalize the placement.
After you create the “body” make an oval by using the ellipse tool using the same color as before. The oval should be about 1.6 inches in width and .85 in in height.
The location of the body is x: 5.6222in y: 3.377in
Place the created oval on the top right portion of the “body” at a 330 degree angle. To do this click the selection tool, which is the black arrow and then click the oval or “arm” that was just created.
After you select the “arm” a box should appear around the selected object.
Hover the cursor over any of the corners, and after you see the icon change to a curved arrow with 2 heads, left click and hold, and move the mouse left or right to rotate the selected object.
After rotating the “arm” hold down alt, left click on the “arm” and drag to the left of the “body” to duplicate the selection.
You want the duplicated “arm” to be attached to the “body” but sticking out slightly as well.
The right arm should be at x:7.0966in y: 2.4662in
After you have the “arms” and the “body” finished, now comes the “legs”
Duplicate either “arm” (your choice on which arm it doesn’t matter) twice.
After you have 2 more ovals you should have 4 in total.
Select the ovals that you just duplicated and click on the fill icon again.
Down by the pound sign you want to type in the this sequence (again all letters are capitalized) F7398F and doing so will give you a darker pink.
Drag the ovals that you just changed the colors down to the bottom of the body.
Rotate the one on the left 290 degrees and rotate the one on the right 142 degrees. Both “legs” should be attached to the body.
The location of the left leg should be x: 4.5692in y: 4.9169in and the right leg should be at x: 6.535in y: 3.8048in
After you have the general shape of the character set up, now comes the face.
Make a small black circle .21 in x .21 in. and put it near the top left part of the body but don’t move it too far from the center of the circle. To change the color of the fill back to black, select the fill again and type 000000 in the box again.
Duplicate the small black circle again and shift drag to the right about 1.1 inches across.
After you made both “eyes” now it’s time for the mouth. Select the line tool from your toolbar, which is indicated by a line.
Left click below the left eye and drag until you get under the right eye to form a straight line under both eyes.
The left eye should be at x: 5.0359in y: 2.7958in
Find the stroke, which should be at the top of the menu under the “select” option and increase the stroke to 3.
And the mouth should be at x: 5.592in y: 3.772in.
And you’re finished.
email it to label it exercise 15
Final Product
Phoung's Final Product
Louisa's Final Product